Physics Demonstrations in Heat is a three-part video program which presents a full range of demonstrations in thermal properties of matter, mechanisms of heat transfer, and thermodynamics. The program was developed in an effort to give physics teachers a comprehensive collection of video demonstrations, supplementing the instructor’s live classroom demonstrations. Instructors will find the program suitable for high school as well as introductory level college physics classes.
Program Format
Individual demonstrations are 3 to 4 minutes in length and can be quickly accessed using the program's on-screen indexing system. The indexing system allows the teacher to select a particular demonstration and show it at the appropriate time during a unit on thermal energy. The accompanying teacher’s guide gives additional data, information, and suggestions on using the demonstrations to promote further classroom discussion.
Demonstration Selection and Filming Techniques
The selection of demonstrations includes those which are difficult to perform in the classroom and those requiring apparatus not readily accessible to many physics teachers. Detailed observation of the demonstrations is accomplished through use of a filming approach which focuses solely on the apparatus, allowing the teacher to utilize the program in a way which is consistent with his or her personal instructional approach. The voice over narration eliminates the on-screen presenter and allows attention to be directed to the physical behavior being studied.
Thermal Conduction:
Comparison of Heat Transfer in Two Materials
Rifle bullet fired into a lead mass illustrates the conversion of kinetic energy into thermal energy.
Thermal Convection:
Projection of Convection Currents
Kinetic Model:
Temperature Effects on Gases
Single DVD: $78.00
Complete Three-Part Set: $210.00
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Purchase online using a credit card. (See our Ordering page for other methods of purchase.)
Physics Demonstrations in
Heat: Part I
Thermal Expansion:
Changing Volume of a LiquidPhase Change Expansion:
Exploding Ice BombThermal Expansion:
Forces Exerted During Expansion and ContractionLinear Expansion:
Determination of Expansion CoefficientPhase Changes:
Transition from Gaseous to Liquid OxygenCryogenics:
Changes in Material PropertiesCryogenics:
Organic MaterialsSpecific Heat:
Determination of Cp
Length: 30 Minutes
DVD: $78.00
(Teacher’s Guide Included)
Physics Demonstrations in
Heat: Part II
Thermal Conduction:
Propagation in a Metal RodThermal Conduction:
Comparison of Heat Transfer in Two MaterialsThermal Convection:
Induced Fluid FlowThermal Convection:
Projection of Convection CurrentsThermal Radiation:
Focused Transmission Using Parabolic MirrorsThermal Radiation:
Black Body EffectsThermal Radiation:
Leslie’s CubeHeat Transfer:
Boiling InfernoHeat Transfer Mechanisms:
A Side by Side Comparison
Length: 30 Minutes
DVD: $78.00
(Teacher’s Guide Included)
Physics Demonstrations in
Heat: Part III
Mechanical Equivalent of Heat:
Bullet Fired into a Lead MassKinetic Model:
Temperature Effects on GasesInduced Phase Change:
Liquid to Solid Transition of NitrogenCryophorous:
Cooling by EvaporationInduced Phase Change:
Boiling by CoolingCondensation:
Formation of a CloudPressure and Temperature:
Piston in a CylinderEntropy:
Time Reversal / Mixing of a Dye
Length: 30 Minutes
DVD: $78.00
(Teacher’s Guide Included)