Sampling of screen images, hover over image for description.

Electrostatics 3D is an interactive software program that allows students to study electrostatics in a visually spectacular fashion! Electrostatics 3D utilizes colorful two-dimensional and three-dimensional graphics to display electric potential and electric field lines for various types of charged objects. The stunning imagery brings a deeper understanding to electrostatics that has never before been achieved by other software visualization methods. In addition to displaying charges, electric field lines, and equipotential surfaces in 3D space, three-dimensional topographical mapping is also utilized providing a highly-informative perspective.

All the various types of three-dimensional graphics can be rotated in space about multiple axes for a true 3D perspective. The user is provided with a wide variety of simple to use tools that permit any desired charge configuration to be created on-screen. Simply click the desired object from the toolbar, input the chosen parameters, and position the object on-screen.


Software Features:

  • View electric field lines and electric equipotential lines & surfaces (electric potential isolines) in a 2D and 3D environment.

  • Choose from a variety of charged objects that may be used in any combination including: point charges, linear charges, plane charges with limited or unlimited length, grounded or isolated conductive spheres, conductive planes and di-electric boundaries.

  • View options include: 2D surface, 3D space, 3D topographic mapping, 2D color-coded mapping & linear integral convolution.

  • Option to display on-screen electric field vectors indicating individual charge contributions and net electric field for any location.

  • Numeric display indicates strength of electric field and electric potential at any location (both 2D and 3D environment).

  • Option to display the path of a charged particle as it moves under the influence of the electric field.

  • Option to use right-handed or left-handed coordinate system in 3D environment.

  • Designed for both high school and college physics courses.


Perpetual License
(One-time fee, no expiration)
Single User: $79.00
Lab-10 License: $295.00
Lab-30 License: $459.00
Unlimited Site License: $659.00

10% discount applied to combined price when purchased with Magnetism 3D.
(Place both Electrostatics 3D and Magnetism 3D into your shopping cart and enter the coupon code embundle at checkout.)

Unlimited Site License allows an unlimited number of computers to run the software at one site, student take-home privileges are granted with this license only. Distance Learning License is priced the same as the Unlimited Site License.

System Compatibility
  • Windows 10 / 11

  • Software provided via download

Purchase Online

Purchase online using a credit card. Electrostatics 3D is delivered via download.
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