Instructor Guide
Physics LE Question Bank
The Physics LE Question Bank contains an extensive library of over 5000 problems and questions utilizing randomized values, specific student feedback, and intermediate problem-solving steps. It also contains over 100 interactive simulations with the option to use accompanying exercises.
The Physics LE Question Bank is universally adoptable and can be used to accompany any algebra-based or calculus-based introductory physics course. All problems are authored to function as stand-alone problems and do not require an accompanying textbook.
For users of Openstax University Physics, OpenStax College Physics, OpenStax College Physics for AP Courses, OpenStax High School Physics, and Physics Fundamentals by Vincent Coletta, all chapter-end problems for these textbooks are included in the question bank.
Previewing Problems
When viewing the Physics LE Question Bank, you can preview any problem, simulation, or simulation exercise by clicking the preview icon (magnifying glass icon) located next to its title. Problems are fully functional in this preview mode. Students see only the content in the shaded area, additional controls beneath the shaded area are useful to instructors to see how the problem behaves.
Efficient Previewing Tip: Once you click the magnifying glass icon to open the preview window you don't have to close it to view another problem or simulation. Simply click magnifying glass icons in succession for quick previewing.
The preview window can be positioned and sized for convenient viewing relative to the question bank window.
Question Bank Organizational Structure
The Physics LE Question Bank is comprised of 4 major sections:
I. Physics LE Simulations containing stand-alone interactive simulations.
II. Physics LE Simulations with Exercises containing simulations with accompanying exercises.
III. Physics LE Problems (Algebra Based) containing algebra-based problems and questions.
IV. Physics LE Problems (Calculus Based) containing calculus-based problems and questions.
To access these resources simply scroll down to the desired section.
The Physics LE Problems sections are organized according to physics topic (chapter) and subtopic (section). You can click on the topic to display all questions in the topic, or on the subtopic to display only those questions comprising the subtopic. You may find it more manageable to view problems by selecting a subtopic. Selecting an entire topic will display a longer scrolling list of problems.
For users of the supported textbooks, the textbook sync designation appears to the right of the physics topic. See Textbook Sync Key below.
Organizational structure of the Physics LE Problems sections showing the topic, subtopic, and textbook sync designation.
Note that the same topic will appear multiple times in association with various textbooks. The physics problems are different in each of these areas so be sure to explore all topics.
Textbook Sync Key
For users of the supported textbooks, the sync key can be used to identify problems that belong to a particular textbook. The following sync letter designation appears with the corresponding chapter number at the beginning of each topic:
[O] OpenStax College Physics and OpenStax College Physics for AP Courses
[OU] Openstax University Physics
[OH] OpenStax High School Physics (All questions are multiple-choice)
[C] Physics Fundamentals by Vincent Coletta
[F] Foundational Problems
Foundational problems are not synced to a particular textbook. These problems are designed to give students additional practice with solving fundamental physics problems.
The problem numbering system used in the Physics LE Question Bank directly correlates to that used in the corresponding textbook.
For OpenStax High School Physics, the Physics LE Question Bank has the word Practice appearing in the question title for the OpenStax categories Practice Problems and Check Your Understanding (these questions appear in the textbook’s chapter sections). The Physics LE Question Bank has the word Review appearing in the question title for the OpenStax categories Chapter Review and Test Prep (these questions appear in the textbook’s chapter-end).
Level of Difficulty
The problems comprising the Physics LE Question Bank have varying levels of difficulty. The difficulty level is indicated by the number of stars (*) in the problem title, with one star being the least difficult and four stars the most difficult:
One Star * Introductory Problems requiring limited problem-solving skills and an understanding of fundamental physics concepts.
Two Star ** Mid-level problems requiring limited to moderate problem-solving skills and the ability to apply fundamental physics concepts.
Three Star *** Challenging problems requiring moderate to advanced problem-solving skills and ability to apply a range of physics concepts. Problems may involve extended series of calculations, or require math skills beyond basic algebra and basic trigonometry.
Four Star **** Very challenging problems requiring advanced problem-solving skills and ability to apply advanced physics concepts. Problems may require advanced math skills.